It is sooooo easy to get carried away buying unnecessary items during sales because “it’s such a good deal!”, but that will lead to buyer’s remorse and ain’t nobody got time for that. So, when you hit the sales (especially this big ass Nordstrom sale that is seriously overflowing with newly added ‘on my wish list items’) make sure you’ve got yourself a plan of attack. And NO, that does not mean you tell yourself “only if I love it!” and you’re good to go, because we all know that willpower during a sale is about as thin as Donald Trump’s hair… (Yup I said it… Or perhaps as thin as Ted Cruz’s current level of support from the right after refusing to endorse Trump.)
Anywayyy, my current shopping plan is to stick to the basics (denim, white tops, and trainers). BUT, to also keep an eye out for anything that I find myself just staring at, cocking my head wondering why the f*ck I even like it or when I’d even have the chance to wear it. At which point I will shrug my shoulders mumble something to myself about ‘je ne sais quoi’ and add to my mental wishlist . You know, like some gold block heel boots. They’re part hideous, part awesome, and entirely unnecessary.
My strategy will help you gravitate to basics and re-wearable pieces which helps to ensure that your closet is full of useful stuff, and honestly it just helps getting dressed become easier. Which means more time to sleep in or sip your morning coffee. Plus you can’t regret buying basics. C’mon.
I’ve linked some of my fav basics below – some of them I already own (dark wash high waisted denim, Stan Smiths, classic white button down) and some are items I’m eying from the sale (because clearly what I need in my closet is more white blouses). To make this super easy to access I’ve created icons (the little +) over each item that take you directly to them. Easy peasy.