Thailand has long been on my list of places to travel, even live, and after stumbling across this photo I’m pretty sure said trip/move needs to happen sooner than later. I’ve visited the Jardin Botanique de Montreal (Montreal Botanical Gardens) which was gorgeous, visited various gardens while living in London which of course had that perfectly manicured English garden aesthetic, and spent several Easters at Cypress Gardens which had the most lush tropical gardens– and beautiful Southern belles! All of those were beautiful to visit, but can you even imagine living here?! In a botanical apartment! My only fear is that my allergies would get the best of me, but I’m seriously thinking it would be worth it. Can you see the man on his balcony? What a gorgeous view it must be from there. And those rooftop terraces– talk about a gorgeous spot for a proper afternoon tea. Definitely plan to look this place up while in Thailand, even if only to experience it for a night.