I’m always in a rush in the morning– showering, walking Lily, getting her food and water ready, etc. So I’ve created the simplest beauty routine possible so that I can get ready in a rush and still look presentable all day at work. First I start by moisturizing my skin- dry skin is not cute and can lead to a crepe paper look– causing you to appear to have wrinkles, even when you don’t. Second, after my moisturizer has had time to sink into my skin I dab concealer under my eyes to hide any dark circles that may be present from lack of sleep or allergies. Also cover any blemishes you might have. Third, I add a little highlighter to my face on my cheek bones under my eyes to reflect the light– this gives me a dewy look, and luckily also helps detract from those dark circles. Lastly, I throw on a coat of mascara to give me a more “awake” and polished look. Voila. That’s it. Ready to go. Since this routine is so simple I often throw on a bright colored lipstick (whichever one I can find in my bag) while en-route to work.