Kimchi avocado toast. Yup, I took it there. It’s no surprise that I’m a massive fan of the fermented goodness that is kimchi. When I roll into a Korean restaurant I always end up with atleast four variations on the table. Kimchi jjigae is my go-to Korean comfort food. So it’s only natural that I try to add kimchi to avocado toast.
I enjoy making gluten free avocado toast as a mid-morning snack. And as great as the original is, there’s always room for experimentation! I make my gluten free avocado toast to match my mood. Original, spicy, kimchi, radish… the possibilities plenty. The beauty is that you don’t even really need a recipe. Toast + avocado + whatever your heart desires. That’s it. And in a pinch or a time crunch just the first two combined works great as well 😉