Vapour had me at the packaging. Simple. Sleek. With the perfect amount of information displayed. Note to Vapour– you are doing this packaging thing right!
The packaging of the makeup itself is equally as impressive. A clean aesthetic of silver and blue with the feel of aluminum – love it all. But, what about the actual products? Do they work? What’s the quality like? So much focus on the packaging can the products actually be good?
In short, yes. Yes, they can. I particularly like the Mesmerize eye liner in brown– I opt for this on days when I want to look put together but also don’t want the harshness of black eyeliner. It’s subtle and soft and has a smudger at the other end incase you want that not-so-done look. I haven’t used one of those since high school and to be honest, I’m questioning why I forgot about this nifty little piece for all those years. The black is also nice and is more subtle than the super inky blacks I typically reach for.
I chose the Atmosphere Luminous Foundation stick because I knew I had several trips coming up and like the ease of a stick for travel. I’d say the coverage is light to medium and it provides a luminous glow while still allowing freckles to show through.
Both of the Siren Lipsticks I opted for were lighter than I expected (I realized in this process that I have quite pigmented lips), but they look gorgeous paired with a lipliner. They have a bit of sheen and a light satin-like feel.
On top of having these gorgeous and effective products, Vapour as a company freaking rocks when it comes to caring for our planet. As much as they focus on the quality of their brand they also focus on minimizing their impact on the environment. They use solar and wind power in their lab, warehouse, and offices.
Can you tell I’m thoroughly impressed? I’ve already got a mental list going of the next Vapour products I’m keen to try!